The OpenSMOKE++ Suite is available only to registered users.
A license file is needed to run the code. At present, only academic users from recognised institutional email addresses will be provided with the license file and have free access to the software. Users from commercial organisations should contact the OpenSMOKE++ Team.
The solvers included in the OpenSMOKE++ Suite have been built by making use of the OpenSMOKE++ framework, whose source code can be downloaded from here.
The OpenSMOKE++ solvers based on OpenFOAM are freely available and they can be downloaded from the GitHub platform.
laminarSMOKE++ is a solver for modeling laminar multidimensional flames.
The solver can be freely downloaded from GitHub:
edcSMOKE++ is a solver for modeling turbulent flames through the EDC (Eddy Dissipation Concept) model. The solver was developed in collaboration with Prof. Alessandro Parente (Université Libre de Bruxelles). The kinetic mechanism pre-processing requires the use of OpenSMOKE++ Suite.
The solver can be freely downloaded from GitHub:
flameletSMOKE++ is a solver for modeling turbulent flames through the Steady Laminar Flamelet model. The generation of lookup tables requires the use of OpenSMOKE++ Suite.
The solver can be freely downloaded from GitHub:
DoctorSMOKE++ is currently under beta testing. It will be released in a few months.